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Murfreesboro 2035 Comprehensive Plan

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The City of Murfreesboro approved a comprehensive plan, Murfreesboro 2035, in 2017. We partnered with residents, local business owners, and community leaders to plan for the the next 20 years of growth and development. The final result of the two-year planning process is the City of Murfreesboro’s Comprehensive Plan, a community guidebook that specifies policy, program, and project initiatives for the City. The plan elements include major functions of the City, including transportation, land use, housing and neighborhoods, parks and recreation, public facilities, historic preservation, and economic development with a focus on population growth and infrastructure.

Guiding Principles

The following principles will inform the development of recommended strategies, initiatives and actions for accomplishing the above-mentioned goals.

Guiding Principle 1: Support initiatives to develop fair and equitable housing within neighborhoods throughout the City.

Guiding Principle 2: Encourage residential infill development and redevelopment that is compatible with the scale and character of existing neighborhoods.

Guiding Principle 3: Provide opportunities for a greater mix of housing types in sufficient quantity to serve current and future Murfreesboro residents and workers, which are located in proximity to employment centers.

Guiding Principle 4: Support initiatives to develop new affordable housing.

Guiding Principle 5: Promote neighborhood design that allows for multi-modal connectivity between residential areas, commercial areas, parks and open space.

Guiding Principle 6: Provide appropriate park space and recreation areas and amenities as a focal point in all newly developing neighborhoods.

Guiding Principle 7: Provide a neighborhood environment that promotes safety and social wellbeing of residents, and preserves sensitive natural areas.

Guiding Principle 8: Foster the development of housing typologies and neighborhoods that support every stage of life.

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Mercury Boulevard is Getting Closer to Sidewalks

MAR 22, 2019 AT 09:00 AM BY VOICE WIRE

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What Exactly is Workforce Housing & Why is it Important?

Click here to learn more about Workforce Housing

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Safe Communities

Click here to learn more about Safe Communities

The 5 Minute Walk

Sense of Place